Sacramento & Yolo Farmers' Market Guide

With diverse agriculture in every direction, mild winters, and the designation of Farm to Fork Capital, the Sacramento region is fortunate to have a bounty of incredible farmers' markets with delicious food. With dedicated CalFresh/EBT services and Market Match incentive dollars, many of these markets are not just accessible, but affordable for low-income shoppers. Many hands work together to help make this region the Farm to Every Fork Capital.

Farmers’ Market Map

Find your local farmers’ market or farm stand

Beginner’s Guide

Helpful info for your first farmers’ market visit

Our Markets

Find information about the farmers’ markets we operate and serve directly


Learn more about using CalFresh/EBT at farmers’ markets

Market Match

Stretch your grocery budget with dollar-for-dollar match

Farmers’ Market List

A sortable table of all the farmers’ markets and farm stands in the region

"What makes the farmers market such a special place is that you're actually creating community around food."

- Bryant Terry
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