Connecting communities to land, food & opportunity

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Alchemist CDC is a mission-driven organization that connects Sacramento area communities to land, food, and opportunity toward a vision in which all neighborhoods are vibrant, equitable, healthy, and diverse.

We are best known for enhancing the quality of life in under-resourced communities by improving access to nutritious foods, implementing community-supported public green spaces, and fostering economic self-sufficiency through business entrepreneurship.

With a commitment to community development centered on the local food system, we find that each of our programs are not only inextricably linked to one another but also to many issues, policies, and partner organizations throughout the region and across the state. To get a sense of the scope of our work, we recommend viewing our Impact Map.

Farmers’ Markets

We operate 3 certified farmers’ market and directly provide CalFresh access and Market Match nutrition incentives at 6 more.

Food Entrepreneurship

The Alchemist Kitchen program trains, empowers, and equips under-resourced food entrepreneurs to start successful businesses.

Neighborhood Empowerment

We cultivate community gardens and green spaces in order to empower neighbors and provide food to some of Sacramento’s most vulnerable families.

Alchemist Public Market

Our most ambitious project yet, Alchemist Public Market will open by February 2026 and bring our three programs together in one place.


Our work on the ground increasingly drives us to engage in advocacy for good policies that can help address the root causes of food injustice.

Market Match Incentives Distributed in 2023

Volunteer Hours in 2023

Businesses Graduated from Alchemist Microenterprise Academy

Number of CalFresh Transactions in 2023

CalFresh Distributed in 2023

Businesses in Incubation

"[Market Match] is the best thing ever. I only get $15/month [in CalFresh benefits] but I spend it all here- I get one and a half times my money and it’s all healthy stuff. You don’t have to be wealthy to eat well!"

– Janet, Market Match customer

"Feeding a family with $100 is so much more realistic, less stressful, and I can buy quality foods with that. The farmers’ market is a testament to that — I’m just amazingly grateful that that’s even an option for us"

– Rachel, CalFresh customer

“The Alchemist Kitchen programs have helped me launch an idea into a full blown business! Not only does Alchemist Microenterprise Academy take the baby steps with you and your company, but they also celebrate the huge triumphs your business makes! These programs are definitely part of the foundation of my sauce business.”

Jasmine Bonilla. Owner and Founder at Jazz’s Saucy Sauce.

"CalFresh acceptance at farmers' markets allows access to healthy foods that is missing in so many of my patients' diets. For those patients especially struggling with their weight, diabetes, or heart disease, I make them aware of this important community asset that Alchemist CDC provides."

– Rachel Hollander, MD

"I highly recommend Alchemist Microenterprise Academy to anyone who's dreamed of opening a food business but doesn't know where to start! It's great to meet people who love food and want to engage their community through food. The class really helped me take my food business idea from a concept to a plan."

-AMA Graduate

"We would have been lost without Alchemist Microenterprise Academy, it put us at least a year ahead of where we thought we would be!”

-AMA Graduate

“The Alchemist Microenterprise Academy and Alchemist Kitchen Incubator Program have provided me with the right tools to begin my catering business. Not only have they empowered us with the knowledge of professionals and guest speakers in their fields, but their one-on-one mentorship has had an invaluable impact on my career and success to date!”

Jennifer Romero. Owner / Chef at Hooked on Paella