YES! I will sponsor the CalFresh: Connecting Families to Farmers project.
I will sponsor the following market(s):
☐ Cesar Chavez Plaza Farmers’ Market: ☐ 1 season ☐ ____ month(s)
☐ Central Farmers’ Market: ☐ 1 year ☐6 months ☐ ____ month(s)
☐ Florin Farmers’ Market: ☐ 1 year ☐6 months ☐ ____ month(s)
☐ Sunrise Station Farmers’ Market: ☐ 1 year ☐6 months ☐ ____ month(s)
☐ Laguna Gateway Farmers’ Market: ☐ 1 year ☐6 months ☐ ____ month(s)
☐ Promenade Farmers’ Market: ☐ 1 season ☐ ____ month(s)
☐ All Markets: ☐ 1 year ☐6 months
☐ I would like more information about exclusive sponsorship opportunities.
Total sponsorship/contribution amount: _$________________
Business/Individual name and Web site to appear on recognition materials:
Name: __________________________________________
Web site: ________________________________________
Contact information (for internal use only)
Contact name: ____________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Sponsorship payment is being made as:
❏ Check ❏ Cash ❏ Invoice me ❏ I want information about paying with a credit card