Alchemist is a community-driven and community-supported organization. We depend on the enthusiasm and resources of the neighborhoods we serve to support and lead our organization. Interested in helping support the mission and vision of Alchemist? Consider the opportunities below and contact Davida Douglas at for more information.
Our projects are only sustainable with community support. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people, learn about food access and nutrition and enjoy the great outdoors!
Board of Directors
If you are more interested in the governance and future of Alchemist CDC, consider becoming involved with one of our committees or our Board of Directors. We are currently seeking more residents, students and professionals to serve on our Board of Directors.
Community Supporter
Join our mailing list to keep informed of events and other projects of Alchemist and choose your level of involvement. Tight on time but still want to support Alchemist CDC’s work? Please consider making a tax-deductible financial contribution here or mail a check to Alchemist CDC, 4625 44th Street, Suite 33, Sacramento, CA 95820.